#40 Superman Classic Suit

Superman Classic Suit

For twelve years in Second Life I have been waiting to find a suit that is worthy of Superman and I think I just came across it! This suit is called Superman Classic Avatar and it is made by Multiverse Online. The title at first through me off, because I thought they sold the entire avatar. I kept coming back to it and wondering if I should buy it. I took a gamble, and I am so glad I did.

Multiverse Online actually has more than one suit depicting the Man of Steel in different shows and movies in which he has been portrayed. My favorite is of course, the 1978 classic look made famous by Christopher Reeve. The best portrayed Superman ever, in my humble opinion!

Superman is one my favorite superheroes of all time, but it was not always that way. It was TV series Smallville which made me look at superman differently. He wasn't just a goodie two shoes anymore. He actually has depth and the frail, but important and imperative line between his altered ego, Clark Kent and himself (Kalel), is exquisitely explained. 

If you are a fan like me, this is a must have! Any Superman suit from Multiverse will have you satisfied!

Style Card:

1. Hair - WINGS-TZ1226 - -Gray


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